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Press Report / Day 7


Press Report / Day 7

Pavle Vučković: I always wanted to make films that are arthouse and commercial at the same time

On the seventh day of the 30th Palić European Film Festival, on Friday, July 21, at the press conference on the Great Terrace speakers were: Vasilis Katsoupis, the director of the film "Inside"; Pavle Vučković, director of the film "Safety First"; the crew of the film "Citizen Saint" - director Tinatin Kajrishvili and lead actress Mari Kitia; Kyros Papavassiliou, director of the film "Embryo Larva Butterfly"; the crew of the film "The Penalty Kick and Sexual Life of Anna Đ" - director Milica Stojanov, producer Slobodan Šuljagić, actors Marko Marković, Milovan Filipović and actress Bojana Tušup; Petar Jakonić, director of the film "Coma"; Kristijan Risteski, director of the film "Snow White Dies at the End"; Antonia Belazelkoska, actress in the film "Sisters"; Laura García Andreu, director of the film “Sunday, Sunday”; Piotr Pawlus, co-director of the film "In Ukraine"; Balázs Lévai, co-director of the film "Riviera East", and representatives of the Festival - Ilija Tatić, executive producer of the Festival, Miroslav Mogorović, program director of EFF Palić, and Radoslav Zelenović, director of the Festival, who summarized the impressions from this year's jubilee edition.

Vasilis Katsoupis, the director of "Inside" shown in the Official Selection, said about the inspiration for this work: "It all started from the initial idea, which came when I visited New York for the first time and saw one of the huge buildings. My first thought was - what would happen if you were trapped in a penthouse with no one to save you? I wanted to somehow incorporate the idea of Robinson Crusoe, in an environment different from a deserted island - in one of the most densely populated cities in the world".

Pavle Vučković, the director of the "Safety First", which is on the program of the last day of the Festival out of competition, expressed his satisfaction with the premiere at Palić: "It's great that I was invited here, to the Festival that is primarily art house, and that my film will be screened at the closing. I always wanted to make films arthouse and commercial at the same time, which is the most difficult thing. I am delighted with the opportunity to watch the film with so many people”.

Tinatin Kajrishvili, the director of the film "Citizen Saint", pointed out that it took him a long time to shoot this film, due to Covid and other difficulties. He particularly emphasized the contribution of the cinematographer and the entire film crew: "Parts of the film were shot in total darkness, where the only light was coming from the miners' helmets. People thought that the icons were there since ancient times, but they were actually painted only a week before the shooting. The sets were built from the ground up, nothing existed before the film. We shot with a minimal budget and the production team really worked hard on everything".

Kyros Papavassiliou, director of the "Embryo Larva Butterfly" in the "Parallels and Encounters" section, said about the inspiration for the film: "I started from the idea of indefinite time and of course then I searched for a story based on that situation. But all the inspiration came from my experience of middle age, when parents die and nephews are born. The film describes my concept of the future and memories from the past”.

Milica Stojanov, the director of the film "The Penalty Kick and Sexual Life of Ana Đ", which is on the program of the last day of the festival in the section "Parallels and Encounters" out of competition, said about the motivation for working on the film: "I wanted to make a film that would talk about our profession. Not only concerning the film, but also the theater, showing that sometimes we are able to get so passionately into the work, and give so much importance to fiction so that reality disappears".

Petar Jakonić, the director of "Coma", which is also on the program of the last day of the Festival as a special screening, said about the genesis of the film: "The beginning of the work was collaboration with Vid Basara. My initial topic was - how to re-examine our collective memory of a traumatic era. The result was a coherent text, thanks to which further work with other collaborators, during the realization, had the same methodology. Each of us incorporated some experience from the nineties into this film. It is interesting for the younger audience to find out what happened before they were born, so the film has an archaeological value for people who did not experience nineties, helping them to find answers to some questions".

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