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INTERREGNO (A filmed correspospondence by Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova) INTERREGNO (A filmed correspospondence by Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova)

  • 01:18
Spain 2020
Selection : New European Documentary Film
Director: Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova
Writer: Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova
Genre: documentary
Editing: Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova
Sound: Juan López López
Producer: Fernando Gómez-Luna & César Souto Vilanova
Because of the declared state of emergency and mandatory quarantine requirements, Fernando was stuck in Barcelona and César in Santiago de Compostela, a thousand kilometers away. Together, they have created a penetrating film collage from their everyday impressions during the days of stagnation and uncertainty and from the letters they exchanged between March and May 2020. The leitmotif of their Covid correspondence is the desire to move about freely and the search for fixed points. One of these is a deep friendship. Back to...

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